dremz abot a rivfer 5 feet logn
The best flash ever! :D
Seriously, I love it. Thanks for the cameo, you now made me feel like a bastard for not putting you in my flash D:
The Extra part is still the best rofl
dremz abot a rivfer 5 feet logn
The best flash ever! :D
Seriously, I love it. Thanks for the cameo, you now made me feel like a bastard for not putting you in my flash D:
The Extra part is still the best rofl
Everybody's a bastard. The same way you just made me feel like bastard for not getting you off in my review of yours :s .
Fifend for great jstice and stuff.
I poop on yo faic for great justice and stuff.
The animation was awesome, no doubts, nut the content was stupid. In case you were wondering the story for this flash is pretty much : "LOL STRAWBERRY IS A SILLY FAG". No body cares if a flash is crap quality, all that matters is the content. Me being a Lock, believe that animation is not always everything - Arfenhouse, for example.
"The voice acting and the script sounded like it came from someone who listened to eminem all day." Yep, so true. And where did you get the idea that Strawberry sounds like a girl?
Sorry but this flash sucked, it may deserve front page, but not the title of Clock Crew movie.
LOL... Funny. You speak for the Clocks, yet most clocks said something that's TOTALLY different from what you said...
Another addition to my "Newgrounds' biggest fucking idiots" list and we're moving onto the next case...
Nice work Klop!
Your pun came in at least 7 years too late.
Pun? It's not a pun. You should get a fucking dictionary. You're probably thinking of parody.
I suppose, yes this DOES deserve front page, however the sound was ridiculously hard to understand at parts and in all honesty it wasn't even that hard to make.
Bad graphics. Bad framerate. Bad spelling
yes, the framerates bad, the spelling would be bad - but thats cos im dyslexic, and yes the grafics got a bit bad in some parts, when they went totaly still - but im still proud of the skeliton and the fact that i could actually animate it at all - i had my doubts :D
You have potential. How long have you been using flash?
Pros - Good choice of sound, good style
Cons - Weird blurring effect ruined it slightly
~Wizard Lock~
Age 35, Male
Joined on 2/7/05